24 hours to go
Home - Colgate, WI
D-day is upon me. I'm mostly apprehensive about the flight and leaving my family but every once in a while I get an uncontrollable burst of excitement where all I can do is squeal. I'm putting the final touches on packing (in my beautiful and sophisticated matching set of purple luggage - thanks Mom!) and finishing goodbyes to friends and family. At this time tomorrow, one of those times in life will start where everything is either "before Latvia" or "after Latvia". All I can do is jump.
D-day is upon me. I'm mostly apprehensive about the flight and leaving my family but every once in a while I get an uncontrollable burst of excitement where all I can do is squeal. I'm putting the final touches on packing (in my beautiful and sophisticated matching set of purple luggage - thanks Mom!) and finishing goodbyes to friends and family. At this time tomorrow, one of those times in life will start where everything is either "before Latvia" or "after Latvia". All I can do is jump.