The Wildlife Chronicles
The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect
any position of the U.S. government or Peace Corps.
I used to teach classes in the local "salon comunal" which is like a community center building most towns have for public meetings, parties, etc. My classes went from 5 pm to 7 pm. Around 6 pm, it gets dark, and so that was when the bat that lived in the salon comunal would start flying around. Because I was standing at the front with a light shining on me, it would fly around by my head. This happened for several classes, until one night it was feeling particularly frisky and flew directly at my face, causing me to duck, cover my head with my hands and squeal. My students found this very amusing. I now have that class in a different building.
About 2 months ago, my host dad and neighbor caught and killed a lizard. It was maybe 3 1/2 or 4 feet long. I watched my host mom skin it and cut it up. She then cooked it and we ate it for dinner with rice. It tasted like chicken.
This morning, I was sitting out on the patio with my host mom and we noticed a couple of rats running around the detached garage that's about 3 feet from the house. She said that there are a ton of rats that live there that come out at night , but I thought it was strange that I'd never seen one during the day before and now we saw two. We found out about an hour ago why the rats are running around during the day: There's about a meter long black and bright yellow poisonous snake crawling through the walls hunting the rats. My host mom is waiting for it to come out again to try and kill it. I'll let you know what happens.
I love how much my life has changed.
At 1:05 PM,
Doreen said…
Miss Megan,
How are you? I have been thinking about you and hope you are well. Your mom gives us regular updates when we have our "ladies lunch" I hear you have two dogs now. That is so great. As summer ends here, I am NOT looking forward to the cold of winter. Though, how you describe the bugs/critters and such, I'm not sure I would like that either. Mike and Allen started school, Susan is back for her senior year. Sam is done with school and now working as a diesel mechanic at Fabco in Milwaukee. Daniel has been deployed to Afghanistan for 2 months now...he is well but it is going to be a long year. Let us know how you are doing...take care of yourself.
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